To:Communications Hub Sender:Aktivist Sarah McFarlen Origin:Frankfurt Relay #2
Report #003: Everyone Needs a Hobby.
Hello, it's- Well, we all know who it is by now, so let's just move right on. With Strebepfelier still out of action in every meaningful sense, and the Junkers I've asked for replacement parts moving at a speed that'd make a Barge look like a race contender, I took the opportunity to familiarize myself with the base. Turns out there's not that much to familiarize myself with, so I poked my head into the hangar to introduce myself to some of the other gear we've got lying about. Wraith's still aren't my thing, sorry. I mean, I can tell the kit they've got on board is wonderful, it's just that I haven't got the faintest idea what any of it actually does yet. I'm working on it.
Language difficulties aside, I did find something I recognized. I've worked on a few Borderworlds ships before, though I'm more a Dagger person. I'm not sure if it'll be of use to anyone else, but I've consolidated all the information I could find on our Switchblade-type fighters, and a few bits and pieces I had to test myself. Was fun, as it turns out. Might just keep on working on these. Hope it comes in handy.
Happy Hunting.
Oh, and before I forget, my project's ticking along nicely. I'll probably have to source a few more parts from the scrappies, but I should be alright to move into production in a few weeks. Once that's finalized, I'll be sure to let you know. Please, ladies and gents, hold your applause until the end.
End Message
"This is really sort of a personal project of mine."
- James Arland, on single-handedly engaging an enemy regiment.