when i used to work at an electronics shop (similar name to a holiday resort company), i used to get customers returning stuff that clearly had been used to do its job
1. some parent brought his spotty teenager son in and wanted to return a laser pen, with the excuse "wasn't fit for intention"......when testing the laser pen, oh...wait...the batteries are flat..nooooo.. its not been used has it!!!, had to give refund
2. the amount of people "returning because it didn't work" are the data transfer cables( cables to transfer data from one comp to another because they too thick to realise they can use their router), which have been tested to work, but out of every 50 sold, 45 would comeback supposedly "not working"
3. parents that came in asking me to think of an idea to build an in car tv/entertainment system,....."2 of them to watch the same film", to put on the back of their seats so their kids "wont get bored"...i turned around and just said "BOOKS"
4. people returning a 20p LED!!!!! YES THOSE CUSTOMERS DO EXIST
it cost them £1 parking!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the looks on their faces when i tried to explain it