Name: Nikolaus Olaf Age: 34 Short bio: I was Born at Planet Baden Baden. My mother died when she gave birth to me.My father was a miner. I belonged to a middle standard family. since my father was a miner , my early education was practical, going with my father to fields and help him in his work made me learn much. When i was 26 years old ,one day i was helping my father with the cargo hold cleaning at Friestadt. Ship was unloaded there by independent miners guild workers. It was a hard day for me. We moved and set our course to baden baden . But on the way a unioner group with many ships and in big numbers stopped us. My father quickly made me to get in an escape pod. He looked for the closest base which was Frieurburg. After setting the Course he ejected my pod toward the base. Then he moved forward and sadly he died front of my eyes. Those unioners burned the ship and tore it into pieces. My father did that to save me. It was a big loss for me . Months passed, I ran out of cash.Then i decided to move out and do what my father wanted me to do . I moved to Munich and started working in the fields of Aluminum ore. Since that day and this day i am working hard to get myself a good home and every resource a rich man have. I found that you people are working as well as trading which made you rich. I decided to join you people , Considering that it will benefit your people as well as me. This is my whole story.
Why do you want to work for Daumann?I want to become rich and i believe that Daumann will help me getting on my feet and giving me protection from the unioners and other terrorist groups .
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I am a hard worker and I have much experience in mining and i think that daumann can use me very well in the fields as it will increase the business for them .