You're claiming every single BHG ship has been receiving nerfs with "every" update since the initial release, and that's while Sea Serpent and Hammerhead have received considerable buffs, Manta and Moray have not been touched at all, gunboat and gunship stats are not final yet due to model changes, and lack of TZ is not a ship-specific issue but rather a genera hook-related bug.
The only considerable "nerf" the BHG has received since the release of 4.87 has been regarding the Buckshots projectile speed, which again, is nothing specific to BHG but rather the overhaul for particle and neutron projectile speeds across the board.
I'm afraid I don't see how I can help you here, mostly because you're basing your arguments around your "feelings" rather than the actual stats, and to me, each and every single one of those ships seem to "feel" rather different than what you're describing.