Sparks here. Just in case you hadn't already gathered that.
Welcome back, Michael. I saw the Wallgau popping back into existence on the database. Military gunship, isn't she? I mean, I'm not sure if the engine structure'd be different on an older ship, or what the Hessians would've done with it, but if it runs the same way as the old Type 8's we should be able to keep it running without too much trouble, and if it's still using hardwiring on the nonessential systems, we can probably have a look at rewiring that side of things-
Sorry. Doing it again. I'm Sarah, new here. I'd shake your hand, but that'd probably just break a screen and embarrass me. Anyway, welcome back.
In other news, Oberst, I've been poking around that minefield a little way out from Holstein, and I think I should be able to make it through. I'm not quite sure what the mines actually use as a main charge, but they seem to function on proximity triggers (a few asteroids volunteered to check). Not that different from what the Navy rigged up around Zone 21 back home, actually. If Zone 21 were surrounded by creepy alien explosives, that is, but you get the picture.
Anyway, it should be possible to make it through. The charge doesn't seem like it'd be crippling by itself, and if we can get hold of a current military transponder, I might just be able to patch into one of our ships well enough to fool the automated defenses for long enough to get a quick look at what's stationed there. Even if the station has its own transponder network, I'd be surprised if they shot a ship flashing military identification straight away. I'll ask a few old contacts and see what I can pull up on that front.
In other (other) news, I've had some issues with the analysis equipment on Bruchsal. Not mentioning any names, but someone may have spilled their drink on my datapad over New Year's, so that ship database I was working on'll have to be on hold for a bit until I can get the systems patched up. I'm sure it'll be fine.
End Message
"This is really sort of a personal project of mine."
- James Arland, on single-handedly engaging an enemy regiment.