Hello there. Before I begin, i'd like to say that I absolutely hate these things. Writing a life story to a screen, and sending it as information is quite funny, whereas person to person is much more efficient. Although it seems I have no choice but to go along with this crude way of choosing a person, so i'll play along.
My name is Rachel. Rachel Winterton if you'd like the be specific. I am twenty three years old, as you'll probably want to mark it down in some file which contains personal information, yada yada yada. I com-.. Ah, you know what, i'm not going any further. Please. If you truly want to know about who I am, ask me in person. Will you? I've always found these forms half-assed. Sorry about the slang.
Where I came from hmm.. I live alone regretfully, wandering from place to place. I've seen countless planets, and stars. Nomadic I suppose is a word you'd call it, something you appear to pride yourself on as well to a degree. Perhaps a reason why i've been attracted slightly to how things work. Or at least things i've heard.
Last up.. Where's the last question on this blaste-.. Oh. Why? I know what i'm doing, i've studied countless subjects, however I lack the resources to make any use of it. Perhaps you may see it in a selfish light right now, although of course, you'll gain something out of it too. At least thats what i'm going to tell you, writing answers to these questions on a screen never gives the complete truth. Again. Ask me in person, will you? This is giving me a headache. You would not believe how much easier you would make things. I'm finding this extremely difficult to take seriously.
Now.. Done with those silly questions, i'm going to leave off with an word of advice if you will. Perhaps you won't take too well about a mere applicant giving you advice, but to hell with it.
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt. But merely how we play them."
Something i've realized throughout quite a long time. Everything fits into it. How others react to it however? It varies.
Jeez.. That sounds actually rather stupid now that I look back on it. Whatever. Perhaps i'll see you around. Perhaps not. We'll see. I'm quite different in person. I cannot believe how many times I jumped around throughout the short data form. Hmmph.