do a server wipe and so many people including myself will never play this game again.
the way to solve this is to simply not sit at the lane. if you are pirating at the gate then you need to be sat on the gate, waiting. when a trader comes, like a vulture you swoop down from your perch and feast, once done you return to the perch and wait again.
not only is this good because the gate cant fire at you. it means that the trader isnt seeing any visual cues apart from the scanner telling them where the pirate is until its too late.
Also npcs cant disrupt the gate, so its a triple win situation.
about npc's disrupting the lane, mm, i guess it happens sometimes, but the npcs only tend to disrupt it when you are too close to it in my experiance, your proximity to them making them drop mines. because as far as ive seen they dont drop mines if they just randomly encounter a lane and start shooting it.
so staying a max weapons range of the lane should clear that up.