I think they weapon should be insanely difficult to construct, while also prudent for a military faction to have. Only, based on economics, factions of optimize cash flow. I dunno why people are so anal about different ways to attack PoB's. PoB's gain access to bigger weapons such as a mega cannon. I just think people are to timid and dev team afraid to step too far out of the box. For 5 years I've watched the dev team work, and mostly rehashing what already exists. PoB's was the first real step out of the box, instead of going backwards should move forward and push the boundaries of what warfare could mean in RP/ InGRP/PvP/FPVFP.
This weapon would make it more rewarding to do security runs and hidden bases. Stressing the covert options each faction has par lore.
Speaking of lore... It's again a stale story forming over 5 years... Gallia... right well I think this server should adopt a more elastic elements of RP vs. IGRP / FPVFP.
Anyway, give me a big cannon and I'll just sit anywhere shooting starflies for the luls....
You gave me PoB....now give me the weapons to undo my wish!