Name: Philipp Hofmann
Age: 24
Short bio: I was born on New Berlin twenty-four years ago. I studied history and biology to become a teacher, but somehow decided that I want to travel through Sirius rather than staying at one place wasting the chance of discovering our world. I started to work as a free miner as well as transported consumables and passengers as a Freelancer through Sirius, but as I deal with ancestry a lot, finding out that my anchestors came from the original Rheinland in the solar system, I'd like to be an active member and champion of liberty to spread welfare and power inside and beyond our Rheinland system. To keep up Rheinland's economy and influence in Sirius is for me one of the things you called Prussian virtues in former times. Ben's invitation to work for Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment confirmed me in my plans to be part of Rheinland's economic fundament.
Why do you want to work for Daumann?
DHC is not only the largest mining and manufacturing firm in the Rheinland system, but also a figurehead for its economy as well as the importance of Rheinland in the sirius sector. It would make me proud to be a part of this.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
I am a young and motivated worker with basic skills, but a lot of space for improvements. I am an open person, who likes to travel and who will represent DHC not only with my own descent, but also with my strong will to keep Rheinlands pride in the sirius sector.
As I just started my career, I would appreciate to get a Behemoth transport to start as an efficient transport captain with no delays.