So here I am trying to pass my time in the bar. Everyone here seems miserable. Great, just what I needed, there is nothing quite like being in the presence of an emotional bunch of people who can't stop gabbing about how depressed they are.
Neural Net Log #4U1 Wrote:Ryan.Bishop: Good day Lane Hacker.
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Greetings, have you got more Intel?
Ryan.Bishop: I will need more time unfortunately, however a door has opened.
Ryan.Bishop: Allowing me to collect some more Intel on your behalf.
Ryan.Bishop: But I would like to know if there is anything specific you require.
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I am not aware of what we require, you need to contact Miss Hunter about that.
Ryan.Bishop: I see, Not a problem, well until then I am willing to assist you in anyway possible.
Ryan.Bishop: If there are any contracts available to me, please feel free to contact me via the neural net.
I've been in contact with a Lane Hacker named Leiden. He didn't really give me the information I was looking forward to receiving. So once again I'm just waiting around here on California Minor, taking whatever contract is available to me. Perhaps I should go and dig up what information I can, see if there is anything of interest around here. I suppose there is no harm in stretching my wings a bit, earning a little bit of scratch won't be of any harm either, by the looks of things I may need it.