There it was. A flickering uncertainty in the woman's eyes, the quiet rumbling of a mask slipping. She was human, after all, not some pet sociopath the Bundschuh kept around to scare new pilots and foreigners. Sarah felt some of her earlier fear drain away, joining a shattered glass on the Embassy's floor. She tugged a pair of chairs from a nearby table, leaving one for the walking eagle, and settling herself on the second. "Sorry, if I stay standing here, I just know I'll fall right over again. Never did get on well with centrifugal gravity in the dark.
I was trying to hook up a projector in here. I mean, there's a bit more to it then that, but that's pretty much the general gist of things. There was an old theater down on New London that went under a while back while I was passing though and we managed to pick some of them up pretty cheap. I meant to use them to set up a proper scanner UI on Contents, but-" She gave a shrug, a touch of melancholy flashing across her face. Contents May Differ had been a good ship. The liner had deserved a better end then the one Sarah had given her, sending the big vessel spiraling into nuclear fire at the heart of Bremen's sun to buy her time to escape a military patrol. "But that didn't exactly work out like I'd planned it. Put them in the pods to keep the hallways clear and ended up taking a hundred and two of the things with me when Contents hit vacuum.
Anyway, I figured that they'd at least be useful here for displaying system charts or something. They're not meant to be that difficult to install, I mean, just like changing a flurostick really. Didn't see much point in bothering someone for a five minute job. Besides, if I went around asking permission for half the things that get done here they'd still be a leak in bay twelve." She shrugged again. "And I was on this end of the station, so I thought I'd just patch them in while I was here. Didn't...Er... Didn't really think that the adapters here wouldn't be set up for them. It's just a few boards. Give me fifteen minutes or so to get them fixed, and I'll show you what they can do."
"This is really sort of a personal project of mine."
- James Arland, on single-handedly engaging an enemy regiment.