For me it all depends on what happens to the Solaris GB turrets. Thes are hideously OP at the moment and give a ship that can use it a considerable advantage over everything. So I do not feel that with that amount of firepower a CD slot is a good idea.
I understand why Junker pirate players would love it. It would be just the perfect solo piracy ship. Firepower to overcome every other transport without a chance (Gb turrets) and even fend off snubs with ease (broken GB Solaris atm). Large Cargo space for loot and to mount big armor. The other stats that could be nerfed are rather irrelevant in transport piracy business on a semi-lawful ID: you find a trader that is alone, Cd it, and stay behind it while it is running, tank his damage and overpower him with your superior damage output. If you find someone who could hurt you, you pretend to be just the Junker next door.
The Salvager as it is now is a tough enemy in 2 person piracy. Have a CDer, have the Salvager... ouch combination.
And I think cooperative piracy should be encouraged.