Quote:Money is way too easy to earn - makes people care less, put less effort and don't care if their ship/cargo is destroyed. Making money much harder to earn and easier to lose would probably make people eager to survive and thus RP better.
Money needs to be earned quickly. Not everyone has access to the game all day every day. For those of us comfortable in small ships, that is no problem, but those who want liners, caps or other ships to comfortably RP their character in, they need more. I would suggest providing a moneysink, where all of the excess cash could be flooded into. Right now, there is not a large choice, sadly. Bases still make a profit, if done right, so they are not doing their original purpose.
Quote:Discovery mod is the name but there is nothing to discover - mod kinda god dumbed down and these restarts made things way too easy. I remember when I had to join a faction I would first fly around, RP my way to their territory then do missions with someone, was nice way to meet people you'll fly around with later too
It also happens to be a RP centred server. If someone wants to play an X character, they could not care less to FIND all the needed things to set it up. They will use FL Companion. That is how it is and no real way to force it on others. And that is not to say it SHOULD be forced in the first place. Those wishing to discover, will do so.
Quote:There is nothing to lose if you get destroyed - I would love to see half of ships price taken away once the ship is destroyed, if you lack the credits you can't undock until you get them, maybe it sounds too bad for people who like to die regularly, but I think it would make things much more interesting
Griefers would be a common thing. Even more so than they are now. Do you really want an EvE like community here?
Quote:Too many systems - for player server slots we have, there are way too many systems. I would rather see much less space and much more people to bump into while flying
Agreed there, but rotating some hotspots over the course of a month or so can make sure we utilize all of them.
Quote:Cruise is too slow - I don't know if can this be changed, but if 80% of my gameplay is just waiting till I get from one point to another I get bored a lot
Fly with someone to pass the time.
Quote:Civilian/Opened ships are better then faction ones - we made generic ships better than faction ones, so people from faction naturally fly civilian ones, which takes a lot in terms of RP if you ask me, seing sairs/mollys and such which have slower bigger ships in eagle makes me sad (not really sad, but you know....sad), I understand the players, just not devs.
There is no real way to balance open ships unless you utterly nerf them. No matter how you do, they will be better against SOME sort of ship and those players will use it instead. Currently they seem to balance all generic ships against the most active houses- Liberty and Bretonia/Gallia.
Quote:Armors - kind of pointless, I would rather remove them and add AU8 to snub armor and CAU8 to caps armor in terms of numbers. Would make less people powertrade probably once they know they don't need to grind all the time to buy their precious armor.
That would be removing a moneysink.
Quote:Jump gates access for unlawfuls - if you remember from SP until Junk gave Trent access codes he couldn't left the system. I would love if unlawfuls could only use jump holes or at least if lawfuls would have ability to lock down the system. Some command that blocks all JG in system if there is a threat.
You cannot, sadly, balance the JG and Lane system with both sides of the lawful spectrum in mind. Reducing unlawful IDs to only holes would seriously make people exploit jump gates. Not to mention it would remove the ''I hope nobody catches me doing this'' aspect for smuggling.
Quote:Conn - RP mod where 30% of player slots are taken by people in conn, just give them another server for practicing if there isn't one.
Nobody likes being locked out from a system for two hours. Conn is where people do stuff, as you said, without any consequences. Be it IRP or OORP.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502