I'm sorry, I don't have skills or knowledge to make my own mod. I really wish I had time to learn, but since I have interest in games I very much could get on it once I finish my uni studies. Otherwise I can just give feedback and ideas, and if big portion of people agree on them they could change, if not I'll go with what majority wants.
Quote:c. i hate the fact that Skype Friends™ nepotism is still evident
I'll never forget how some people were threatened to be expeled from faction if they continued to RP with person leaders didn't like. And this came from well respected RP-ers. Yep, happened more then once around 4.85.
Now, just so people wouldn't think this is one of those hate posts I'll add off topic part.
This is what I like about disco.
- I love the fact what devs did to enhance my RP experience in terms of gameplay, ships, equipment, balance, economy, systems,bases
- I love the fact RP is main part of the game and we as players have impact on gameplay and fates of the other characters
- I love the fact there are so much people still loving this game and playing it together
- I love the fact players have about 500 books material of stories on forum
- ability to choose a role, ability to create something completly new and implement it in the mod
- cloacking devices, docking modules which we wanted for so long and had only in theory some time ago
- all the tactics and manuvers invented for PvP fights
- nerfing NPC's so they don't get in the way of P2P interaction
I could go on, as there are many great things and I'm really glad people still care for this game,there are a lot more good things than bad things, but this is just one of those "Share what you think its wrong, and we'll tell you if it could change or how would it affect things and thats why it shouldn't change" threads.
@Bunch mentioning the lag
It's a temp problem gents which will be solved what I gathered so far from devs, I wouldn't list it in "wrong with the mod" group, just a temp problem in beta phase.
(02-17-2014, 02:27 AM)Papa Oomaumau Wrote: Either way - when you let go, and stop holding on so tightly, life can actually be fun - you can't steer a train, but you can RIDE it!