After receiving a transmission from one of my operatives based on Barrier Gate Station, I took the time out to visit him. He was very concise, explaining that it was of vital importance. Something about an Artifact capable of accessing and recognising an Alien Gate within the Coronado system. Quite the commendable discovery.
En route to Barrier Gate, I came across a group of Colonial Republic representatives, eager to turn away any agent working on behalf of an intelligence unit. Of course, I can be quite persuasive and they cooperated as expected.
One Of Sirius's Secrets #8736555 Wrote:=LSF=Virgo: Good day.
=LSF=Virgo: Good day, I have received what I came for.
=LSF=Virgo: I have one more place to visit within this system. With the newly acquired Intel I just received, it would be unpractical of me to ignore such a sight.
CR|-Anchises[15th]: What is this Intel?
=LSF=Virgo: Now, giving out an Intelligence Unit's secrets would also be unpractical Colonial.
=LSF=Virgo: But as it stands.
=LSF=Virgo: I am in need of your company
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Where do you wish to go?
=LSF=Virgo: Sector B-7
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: Funny, we just chased down a freighter heading in that direction
=LSF=Virgo: Then perhaps it would be ideal for us to both move there.
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: After you
One Of Sirius's Secrets #8736555 Wrote:=LSF=Virgo: Remarkable.
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: Ships that come in, don't come back
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: Not normally, that is
=LSF=Virgo: Nor are they meant to.
=LSF=Virgo: People enter here willingly.
=LSF=Virgo: However, it is an entirely different case with me.
=LSF=Virgo: Tell me Colonial.
=LSF=Virgo: What do you know about this Alien Gate.
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: Not much ... it's hard to keep track of because it doesn't emit normal signatures
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: And, if anything comes out of there, they are careful enough to hide themselves
=LSF=Virgo: Well, what if I told you that I intend on entering thus Gate.
=LSF=Virgo: In my hold is an Artifact.
=LSF=Virgo: From what I believe, this Artifact will recognise the Alien Gate.
=LSF=Virgo: Once the Alien Gate identifies the Artifact in my hold, it will allow me to jump successfully.
=LSF=Virgo: Although it appears active.
=LSF=Virgo: As you said..
=LSF=Virgo: Not many return.
=LSF=Virgo: I believe there is a cause for that..
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: You want me to send your Director a death certificate?
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: Might as well, if you choose to jump
=LSF=Virgo: I would prefer you just keep this to ourselves.
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: That all depends on what happens
CR|-Anchises[15th]: Lloyd: Go ahead and jump though
=LSF=Virgo: Certainly.
=LSF=Virgo: I shall return after I have conducted my research.
After jumping through successfully, It was clear that this system was still acting as an active outpost for the unknown entity's that reside here. I conducted my research into the area and found the remnants of something.. breath taking..
Scans suggest that these are the remnants of what was once the Omega 59 system. There are many theory's around the Omega 59 system and it's drastic change. What I found next suggests that a Nomad Power Cell discharged and had collapsed everything within the Omega 59 system, forcing Planets, Moons, Stations, even Asteroids into this system.