I recently received information from an operative of mine, on assignment, he had provided me with a rumour that was going around in the Omicron Alpha System. It seems a man named aerelm is in search of Pennybrooke, So naturally our interests are aligned. I contacted him via the access codes provided to me. I soon established contact with him.
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Recorded Audio Files: #590214 Wrote:=LSF=Virgo: Good day.
=LSF=Virgo: I believe it is of my benefit to talk to you.
=LSF=Virgo: Maybe not so much as your benefit.
=LSF=Virgo: But perhaps you could assist me in my endeavours.
=LSF=Virgo: I have been in contact with a fair few operatives based within Omicron Alpha
=LSF=Virgo: They have provided me with necessary information.
=LSF=Virgo: Something that may turn the tides in my research.
=LSF=Virgo: Although I am purely acting off rumours however.
=LSF=Virgo: It brings me to this question.
=LSF=Virgo: Are you in contact with Pennybrooke.
=LSF=Virgo: I am in need of her assistance.
=LSF=Virgo: I can only hope this message will transmit to you from my current location.
=LSF=Virgo: It is of vital importance that you and I speak... I believe I'm on to something big.
aerelm: Obvious questions like who are you and who is Pennybrooke aside, what's in it for me?
=LSF=Virgo: Well it depends on what you may be interested in.
aerelm: That's quite a wide range of things. Back to obvious questions then.
aerelm: Who are you and who is this Pennybrooke you mentioned?
=LSF=Virgo: I am Ryan Knowles, A Liberty Security Force agent, and Pennybrooke is a scientist conducting research..
=LSF=Virgo: Quite possibly within the Omicron Systems.
=LSF=Virgo: Or at least this is were the rumours have lead me.
aerelm: Right. Liberty.
aerelm: Should've guessed. The transmission doesn't appear to be local.
aerelm: A research vessel in Omicrons. Sounds like your looking for a noodle in a soup... Or whatever the saying is.
=LSF=Virgo: I was thinking the same.
=LSF=Virgo: Spending my time looking for a lunatic scientist is not what I had in mind.
=LSF=Virgo: However, I am told she can assist me.
=LSF=Virgo: Which is better than nothing.
aerelm: You must be quite desperate then. It's unlike LSF agents to contact some random guy they don't even know asking about.
aerelm: a "target of interest", so to say.
=LSF=Virgo: Desperate may be the most appropriate word for my current circumstance.
=LSF=Virgo: I feel my position within the LSF will soon be compromised.
=LSF=Virgo: And I must make the relevant contacts now before escaping Liberty.
=LSF=Virgo: I fear they will soon be on to me.
aerelm: Right. So you're not much of a LSF after all.
aerelm: Who are you with then?
=LSF=Virgo: It is a long story.
aerelm: And it's a long cruise I'm on, so... *Shrugs*
=LSF=Virgo: If I am being monitored, then I believe that will be the end of my endeavours as a whole.
=LSF=Virgo: Perhaps it would be better to meet with you.
=LSF=Virgo: I'm on approach to Omicron Zeta right now, I wonder if you are within the vicinity?
aerelm: Tell you what... I'm in the mood for a story, but I'm sure the LSF, or whoever you are, wouldn't want to be in Order's backyard
aerelm: So I'll grab a beer on FP11, and you get here whenever.
aerelm: You apparently know your way around the comms enough to find this channel, so I'm sure you'll manage to find FP11 just fine.
=LSF=Virgo: Freeport 11 sounds like a solid place to go.
=LSF=Virgo: I'll contact you upon arrival.
aerelm: It's neutral ground, after all.
=LSF=Virgo: At a time like this, I would prefer not to indulge in conversation primarily based around my motives.
=LSF=Virgo: I can brief you quite happily without passing on every delicate secret.
=LSF=Virgo: After all, what is to say I can trust you, let alone gain anything from you?
=LSF=Virgo: Forgive my apprehension.
aerelm: You've been talking too much already, so I bet there's something big in it for you.
aerelm: That said, I'm in a mood for a story, not a novel.
aerelm: So I don't really care about the details.
=LSF=Virgo: So be it.
=LSF=Virgo: I was assigned to conduct research within the Omicron Minor system, after HQ picked up on active energy signatures through our Long Range Scans.
=LSF=Virgo: The signatures were transmitting within the remnants of the Toledo graveyard.
=LSF=Virgo: I was based there for quite some time.
=LSF=Virgo: In which I managed to salvage the manifest of the remnants left behind.
=LSF=Virgo: Of course it goes without saying, it came as a shock that these logs suddenly became active, and started pulsing.
aerelm: With that piece of junk you're flying?
aerelm: You guys must've upgraded that thing since the last time I was in Liberty, else it wouldn't stand the radiation in Minor.
=LSF=Virgo: An upgrade was mandatory yes.
=LSF=Virgo: Moving on.
=LSF=Virgo: One particular manifest left quite an interesting story
=LSF=Virgo: One that has lead me to my current demise.
=LSF=Virgo: It speaks of an Artifact.
=LSF=Virgo: An Artifact that was specifically targeted according to the manifest.
=LSF=Virgo: And it is very suggestive that this particular Artifact may still be active.
aerelm: If that's what you have in your cargo right now, I have two things to say:
aerelm: First, explain the unidentified reading I get on the cargo scan.
aerelm: Second, wouldn't hurt if you keep a bit of distance. I -just- bought this ship.
=LSF=Virgo: Certainly.
aerelm: Much appreciated.
aerelm: You were sayin'.
=LSF=Virgo: The Artifact I have in my possession is not the one I am searching for.
=LSF=Virgo: In fact this is from an operative of mine.
=LSF=Virgo: I met with him earlier within the Coronado system.
aerelm: Mhmm.
=LSF=Virgo: He needed to meet with me in regards to a discovery of his.
=LSF=Virgo: A discovery that has pretty much ensured his death for him.
=LSF=Virgo: Well, that was until he talked to me.
aerelm: Ain't Liberty a lovely corner of space.
=LSF=Virgo: A Nomad Gate.
=LSF=Virgo: Leading to a system I am not familiar with.
aerelm: Interesting. I must've missed it in my last trip to Barrier.
=LSF=Virgo: But by the looks of the studies I conducted.
=LSF=Virgo: It became quite apparent.
=LSF=Virgo: That the system was masqueraded with the remnants of the Omega 59 system.
aerelm: Fascinating tale, but nothing to do with that Pennybrooke you mentioned whatsoever.
=LSF=Virgo: Ah.
=LSF=Virgo: Well I have recently been in contact with a miss Itziar Leiseka.
=LSF=Virgo: She has ensured my safety through her core worlds.
=LSF=Virgo: In return.
=LSF=Virgo: She wanted me to acquire a substance.
=LSF=Virgo: So that she may carry out her research successfully.
=LSF=Virgo: Liquid Cardamine.
=LSF=Virgo: That is the price I have to pay.
=LSF=Virgo: So that I can carry out my research too.
=LSF=Virgo: Rumour has it that Miss Pennybrooke is the person I should be talking too.
=LSF=Virgo: As stated earlier, acting on rumours has lead me here thus far.
aerelm: Oh, Pennybrooke is a miss too. Interesting.
=LSF=Virgo: Well, by rumours.
=LSF=Virgo: I am very unsure.
=LSF=Virgo: A particular rumour lead me here in fact.
=LSF=Virgo: It is said that you are in search of the same person.
=LSF=Virgo: I can only hope that you are.
=LSF=Virgo: Otherwise I have just exposed myself further.
aerelm: Well, I'm afraid you have. Since it would of been kind of hard if I was in search of some random researcher I'm hearing about
aerelm: For the first time just now.
aerelm: But, the glass is always being half full...
aerelm: Since I'm in the region just for sight-seeing and trying out this new bird of mine
aerelm: That leaves me with basically and literally nothing important to do, so...
aerelm: brings us back to the original question - What's in it for me?
aerelm: Who knows, if it's something worth considering, I might actually start looking around for this Pennybrooke you mentioned.
aerelm: The Omicron systems are big, but not that big, so I might actually run into her.
=LSF=Virgo: Is there anything you have set your eyes on in particular?
aerelm: Well, considering your situation the way you described it...
aerelm: You're kind of short on support from Liberty side, and not set on support from any other side at the moment.
=LSF=Virgo: Ah, but this is were you are wrong.
aerelm: Oh, is that so?
=LSF=Virgo: Right now my position within the LSF is still active.
=LSF=Virgo: Yet only for a limited time I fear.
aerelm: Hmm, interesting. And how long would that last?
=LSF=Virgo: Until I commit to the task the Lane Hackers have set before me.
=LSF=Virgo: But, I can delay that quite easily.
=LSF=Virgo: I need to ensure I have a place to go to after committing these offences within Liberty.
aerelm: So, you're a LSF working for LH and on an assignment from whoever that Itziar you mentioned is.
=LSF=Virgo: And more.
=LSF=Virgo: As I said, I was being brief.
aerelm: And here you are, telling that to someone you don't even know, and we're not even drinking.
aerelm: At least I'm not.
=LSF=Virgo: I am, of course expendable.
=LSF=Virgo: Although I may be risking valuable information.
=LSF=Virgo: I am taking a leap of faith so to speak.
aerelm: Makes sense, actually.
=LSF=Virgo: A plausible explanation yes.
aerelm: So, having an "active" status in LSF gives you how much influence exactly?
=LSF=Virgo: I am a Lieutenant in rank.
=LSF=Virgo: I have a lot of influence.
=LSF=Virgo: Providing it doesn't have any negative effect on the directorate.
aerelm: Haven't been around Liberty for a while, but a lieutenant in rank ain't that high around Bretonia.
aerelm: So unless it's "under the table" influence you're talking about, don't consider me impressed.
=LSF=Virgo: You could say, I am well connected.
=LSF=Virgo: To put it bluntly.
=LSF=Virgo: Of course, why wouldn't I be?
=LSF=Virgo: I am working with the Lane Hackers, The Outcasts, as stated.
=LSF=Virgo: The Benitez.
=LSF=Virgo: And more.
aerelm: Makes more sense now.
aerelm: So, you're asking for a hand here. You being a LSF who's soon nuking his stance with Liberty. Tell me if I'm not seeing this ~
aerelm: right, but sounds to me like you don't have much to lose in that area.
aerelm: As in, nothing would be too big of a risk to take.
=LSF=Virgo: You are correct.
aerelm: And you being this desperate makes you quite easy to trust, actually.
=LSF=Virgo: I will leave that to your better judgement yes.
aerelm: So... Why the hell not. Let's work out a deal.
=LSF=Virgo: Excellent.
aerelm: So, what is it exactly that you want?
=LSF=Virgo: Pennybrooke
=LSF=Virgo: Her Whereabouts.
=LSF=Virgo: Her Contact details.
=LSF=Virgo: I must arrange a meeting with her over a secure channel.
aerelm: Hmm, sounds straight forward.
=LSF=Virgo: Quite yes.
=LSF=Virgo: But I would also like your company.
=LSF=Virgo: You could lead me to her.
aerelm: I've tracked a couple of "ghosts" before, so this one should be a piece of cake.
aerelm: Any ideas on what ship it actually is?
=LSF=Virgo: I am under the impression that it would be a Large Freighter ship of some sort.
aerelm: Kinda suicidal bringing that to Omicrons, but alright. You're the guy in the Guardian.
=LSF=Virgo: More than likely, he or she would have a substantial amount of research within his or her cargo hold.
=LSF=Virgo: Also.
=LSF=Virgo: I will be operating under another alias.
=LSF=Virgo: Ryan.Bishop
=LSF=Virgo: It has worked well thus far.
aerelm: That one does ring a bell. Eagle with Flashpoints?
=LSF=Virgo: Saishi at current, Although I have never been in possession of an Eagle vessel.
aerelm: Yeah, was a wild guess. Didn't actually ring any bells.
=LSF=Virgo: Not bad.
aerelm: Anyways... To the more important matter - What would be my "options" in return?
aerelm: As in, I scratch your back, what would you scratch my back with?
=LSF=Virgo: Well.
=LSF=Virgo: As you have not told me what you are interested in thus far. As long as it is within reason.
aerelm: Well, I'm quite flexible.
aerelm: Unless you're the "I'll give you blah millions in cash" type, in which case, I don't really need any.
=LSF=Virgo: I have been known to be quite good at providing valuable information.
=LSF=Virgo: Secret information.
=LSF=Virgo: Infiltration.
=LSF=Virgo: Or even bending the judicial system.
aerelm: I've always been more interested on things I can put on shelves, actually.
aerelm: Or in hangars, for that matter.
=LSF=Virgo: So you have an idea of what you want?
aerelm: Liberty gear has always looked nice, actually.
aerelm: Not Magmas, they're way too overused.
=LSF=Virgo: I'll put that down as constructive criticism.
aerelm: Not really, every cheap mercenary and his whore of a dog working for Liberty had some on their ship back in the day.
aerelm: Didn't help them any.
aerelm: Actually... Considering your current situation, I'll kick it up a notch.
aerelm: Let's talk ships.
=LSF=Virgo: So be it.
=LSF=Virgo: That seems reasonable
aerelm: Since you're getting in trouble with Liberty anyways, so you wouldn't have anything to lose.
=LSF=Virgo: Providing everything I have told you remains secret.
=LSF=Virgo: You can honour that right?
aerelm: That's a given. I like listening. Talking, not much so.
=LSF=Virgo: Excellent.
aerelm: And plus, when I talk ships, I never go big.
aerelm: Even this fat bird is a pain to fly, and it's supposed to be a gunship.
aerelm: The only reason I took it on this trip is cause I was going to spend hell of a time out in the open, so needed some room to
aerelm: stretch my legs.
aerelm: So, by your laid back tone I'm assuming it wouldn't be much trouble sneaking out a snub out of the docks and putting it on
aerelm: autopilot to come my way then?
=LSF=Virgo: I don't think that should be a problem.
=LSF=Virgo: Providing the location is not hazardous to the ship.
aerelm: Yeah, and that's not the main thing I had in mind.
aerelm: A ship on its own is like a toilet roll. You wipe your arse with it once and its a goner.
=LSF=Virgo: I see.
aerelm: Seeing as you claim to be "well-connected", what can you get me for the repairs?
aerelm: As in, actual prints. Not the typical hull panels I can get anywhere.
=LSF=Virgo: How about the blue prints to said vessel.
=LSF=Virgo: Transported within the ship.
aerelm: Why the hell not
=LSF=Virgo: It will allow you insight into installation design
=LSF=Virgo: Weaponry systems.
=LSF=Virgo: So that you can render it as you wish.
=LSF=Virgo: Reverse engineer so to speak.
aerelm: Sounds like a challenge to accept.
=LSF=Virgo: So I trust we are concluded here.
=LSF=Virgo: Hmmm
aerelm: So, assuming we're set on the Avenger, once I get that Penny Brooke, the Bishop comm would be the way to reach you?
=LSF=Virgo: That would be correct.
=LSF=Virgo: It will automatically transmit a secure line.
=LSF=Virgo: And I will add network protection to the channel once it has commenced.
aerelm: Time to hit the bar then. I'll see what I can dig up about that researcher gal-pal of yours meanwhile.