the original role of that ship was a short-mission-patrol-carrier, the only true zoner military ship. it is rather small and compact atm. its armament is fairly average though.
it will be replaced by a battletransport, kind of a typical type of that class. it will be meant to be a sort of ship that can take on a pirate transport or equivalent and or scare minor attackers away - while having the armor to get to a friendly port.
another ship that won t be used much for attack but for defense.
I spy with my little eye. Something beginning with B and ending in T… And it’s not battletransport. I’ll give you a hint. Bulls produce it, farmers use it and plants love it.
See also, Zoners cannot land in house space in it. And it carries less cargo than the whale. Transports can’t defend against battleships. Especially if they have someone to CD you. And the Nomads normally do. Transports can’t defend against bombers easily. And I know that you are gonna say “Then you should get some good”. I’ve tried. When I get into a fight my lag spikes to about 70% and my ping to about 700. It’s embarrassing for all involved and it generally ends really awkwardly and I type “//You win. Probably… I’ll just go.” That or I just get shot to death because my ship refuses to move.
(02-22-2014, 02:41 PM)Jinx Wrote: the leviathan:
right now the TAZ have one and the phoenix have one. those two ships will be converted to nephilims ( current ones ) - and the leviathan model will be removed from the mod. - they will become two actual military grade flagships - getting the current nephlims stats and model and serve as what the original intent of the juggernaut was for ( minus the lore of awesomeness and plus the stigma of balance )
I’ve been trying to prevent myself from just putting in a whole paragraph of NO NO NO NO NO… Or NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN… Or however you want to say it. But this section almost pushed me straight into it.
What’s the point? Do you hate your models Jinx? I love the Leviathan model, it looks fancy and is actually more practical as a battleship and something that traverses asteroid fields than the current Nephilim model. As much as I loved my Neph (Before it got sold or inactivitywiped or whatever happened after I went offline) trying to fly through an asteroid field on that thing was like trying to ice skate with two water buffalo taped to my feet. It was just not going to happen. The leviathan on the other hand just slices through the asteroids and isn’t the size of a planet.
(02-22-2014, 02:41 PM)Jinx Wrote: the final word of balance is NOT uttered yet. it is a semi finished concept - but the intent to proceed is there.
the zoner fleet will become a more utility ship based fleet with minor military assets. they will keep the cruisers and gunboats for light and heavy military support but won t have enough to actually cause trouble for their neighbours ( outcasts, corsairs ) - who in turn should take that into consideration.
Jinx, a tear rolls down my eye. You are assuming that people will be excellent to each other. Truly you are a shining beacon of optimism in this cold and dreary world we live in. Unfortunately there’s someone knocking at the door. It’s Cynicism and his friends Basic Human Nature and Common Stupidity. They are telling me that what you say is never going to happen because people aren’t wired like that. Oh dear.
(02-22-2014, 02:41 PM)Jinx Wrote: it is felt that possessing anything up to cruisers is sufficient to survive in the omicrons while not having grand ambitions about conquest - and that superliner /transport ships is of more use for zoners. - the nephilim replacement should serve well for any peaceful roleplay conducted by players who wish to fly the huge exploration vessels. it is not yet clear if they will only do transport weapons - or if they can mount hybrid weapons ( like transport + GB or so )
Prepare your bodies and grab hold of your socks. I agree with Jinx. At least in part. A small part. A part that is cowering before the rest of me while holding up it’s hands screaming “I CAN EXPLAIN!”.
So let’s get the part that I agree with out of this paragraph and then I’ll disagree with the rest
(02-22-2014, 02:41 PM)Jinx Wrote: it is felt that possessing anything up to cruisers is sufficient to survive in the omicrons while not having grand ambitions about conquest
Yes. If we had never had Nephilims and Aquilons and built roleplay around them and only had cruisers this would be the perfect thing to say. Unfortunately you (That is the Devs) gave us them and said “Be roleplay” so we took these ships, and we were roleplay, and we spent months building up stories, characters, factions and bases around them. We took the original lore that we had and made it fit with what we now have and the Zoner community as it stands has a lot built around these two ships. The nephilim more than it’s less popular cousin. Ad it’s less popular cousin is the ship that seems to be built better for PVP.
The rest
(02-22-2014, 02:41 PM)Jinx Wrote: - and that superliner /transport ships is of more use for zoners. - the nephilim replacement should serve well for any peaceful roleplay conducted by players who wish to fly the huge exploration vessels. it is not yet clear if they will only do transport weapons - or if they can mount hybrid weapons ( like transport + GB or so )
Not today Zurg!
And here’s why. See previous section. If these were ships that were being added as new and all we had in the past were cruisers then I’m sure that a whole bunch of people would bring up transport sizes and armaments and a whole bunch of balance complaints.
Mounting gunboat weapons won’t help because gunboat weapons cannot travel the length of a neph. Does not work as a weapon because the ship is so damn huge.