Note: I drafted this from the old, half-broken thread, and I've neither the time nor the inclination to swim through the extra tears in this one.
So hi, Zoner since 4.84. Lloyd Black. First flew a Viper Mk2, then a Charon, now a Lhotse, ZRF|Blackout. Tends to be pretty mad, 'swhy he's a Zoner - to get away from all the people he hates.
But he's got nothing on the rest of you, clearly.
Gran Canaria, much like Zoner battleships, was a mistake.
Because populations the size that GC's infocard originally cited do not simply spring up overnight. But then, Disco's devs at the time were largely to blame for an inadequate understanding of scale.
But also because it leads to situations like the recent Zoner tearfest that highlight just how many people on this RP server don't seem to think things through in terms of numbers and scale.
Time to get cracking, then.
Quote:OMG stop restricting indie rights!
This line makes you look like an idiot for several reasons.
Quote:I take offence at this. The Zoner should be much larger than they currently are. They were at 40,00 years and years ago. People come to the Zoners much more in times of war and everybody’s been at war EXCEPT the zoners since then pretty much. So the Zoners would have a continuous stream of refugees. Australia has a very quickly growing population due to immigrants and refugees.
Problem with that: You already cited the dangers of the places Zoners live - it's not just the Omicrons that are hellish. Let's look at the other places the Zoners have set up shop:
Freeport 1, 5: Constant fighting between Hessians, Wild, Corsairs, Coalition, Hunters, and a few other assorted individuals.
Freeport 6, 2: Was a warzone until rather recently.
Freeport 10: Probably the nicest of the lot, but still close to the Outcast homeworld, with no really safe route in or out.
Freeport 7: oh wait
Freeports 9, 11, 15: Omicrons.
Ames Research Station: Tiny. In a notoriously pirate-infested system with no sun and dark matter all over the place.
Gran Canaria: Yeah this one was also a warzone on at least two seperate occasions, and even now a notable portion of its population hates each other. Or have we forgotten that it's not just Zoners there? I guess that'd be convenient.
Needless to say, all of the above are quite unattractive for your common civilian trying to get away from warzones.
(Edit: Oh, right, I forgot Freeport 14. But then, don't we all?)
Quote:He has a point actually. There aren’t all that many people online in the Omicrons.
And now you're trying to fall back on server dynamics to defend your position on RP.
Quote:There is no reason for the Zoners to have such a small population. The corsairs have 660 million on crete alone and if you go by the infocards and the RP that we have done Crete is nowhere near as nice as Gran Canaria.
Once again you demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge of scale, in this case of population growth. It tends to be exponential. And the Corsairs have several hundred years over the Zoners.