(02-25-2014, 03:09 PM)Haste Wrote: By the way, from your own faction page, OSI guy:
Quote:Technology Use
Zoner technology (Excluding the Aquilon, Fearless, Corvo, & Nephilim)
If you don't use them, how exactly can their repurposing be so harmful for your faction?
You can even quote the OSI-ID, which too does not allow anything bigger than gunboats. Because I'm lazier than Gytrash I will restrict myself to an inRP and an OORP point.
As ist stands now, OSI is occupying a niche in the Zoner way. The trading-Zoner. Which is but one of many aspect of Zoner life. With the upcoming changes, all Zoners will have to be traders as their shipline does not support anything else. Hence the uniqueness of OSI is, simply put, gone, wich makes OSI obsolete.
OORPly the OSI-ID is designed to be a trade-off between hauling capacity and capships. If the capships are gone, so is the trade-off. Nerfing a whole NPC faction down to traders, when you already have a dedicated trader-faction of this NPC-faction, would make OSI the now-drawback, ultimate Zoner ID.
Ooooof course, one could argue that in that case the Admins would need to restrict the trading-capability of OSI, to balance it out, effectively destroying what OSI stands for either way.