I think that this is about back RP. Not saying "Your application is denied based on past RP"
But instead saying "Your application is accepted" and then saying, after getting the character into the faction "Also get rid of this past RP. I don't like it."
Or taking RP that a character has no way of knowing and demanding it's removal. Say my sentient 100% Libertonian beefcake John "Daisy" Bullock who has in the past had secret dealings with the rogues (Clandestinely supplying bullcrap for crop growing and politician coating purposes) and saying that that RP ahs to go because it doesn't fit in with the faction. The faction doesn't know, inRP, that John supplied the bullcrap that went all over the CEOs face at a press conference so they should not deny it based on that RP or ask for that RP to be redacted.