I have contacted Nicole Hunter, explaining my current position, I simply provided her with the hope that she may very well need. Little does she know, the documents I will be giving to her are completely and utterly false. I haven't even seen Eureka Research Station, Never mind set foot on it. The documents are very convincing, their isn't a shred of evidence suggesting that any of it is false. I hope it suffices, I can then focus my attention on the necessary tasks that need completing, whilst gaining the trust of The Lane Hackers, a valuable asset gained.
It seems Jeske Vardogr proved to be a dead end, The last thing he remembers is being sent on assignment from the Rheinland Military almost eighteen months ago. Not only did the Incubus leave it's host, but it wiped most of Jeske Vardogr's memory too. Clever little being. I should have anticipated this...
The Artifact is still in my possession, but right now I daren't go near it. It is an intimidating piece.. I wonder what it is used for, what it's purpose is. I'll focus on that once I have done what I need to in Rheinland.
I need to stay in Liberty for the time being, hopefully the Liberty Navy will be in contact with me soon. If they allow me access to the Avenger Class Vessel, then life will be much simpler for myself and the technicians. The blue prints and the vessel itself can then go in to the safe hands of aerelm who has made great progress in tracking Pennybrooke and is currently on her trail as I record this.
It seems I am edging closer and closer to my demise each day that passes by. Hopefully I will succeed.