The vast majority of players here know RP by RPG pc/console games, not from the real RPG. Unfortunately those games use an RPG rules ans stats system, but have almost nothing about role-playing.
I started playing GURPS in 1993, and most people that plays D&D, for example, says GURPS is too complex, has too many rules. But they (and most players here in disco) forget about the very first and most important rule of all RPG games: "Each and any rule can be ignored or modified at any time for the benefit of the player's having fun." There are no winners or losers in a RPG session. If the players have fun, everybody wins.
Unfortunately that concept is not applied in disco. You win if the other lose. You win if you gank the hell out of an unarmed transport and stay in the game just so the guy can't continue his cargo run. Even in supposed RP encounters, people go there with clear 'winning conditions', as if following a 'missions list' from a mmorpg.
So, for those who do not know that: if the other guy is not having fun, even if you win you lose. If everybody is having fun, even if you lose you win.