It seems I have had to return to Liberty once again. I have my team of technicians standing by on Ames Research Station, ready to collect the Avenger that the Liberty Navy graciously permitted to myself as a means to improve it. Fact of the matter is, We will be manufacturing a replica Avenger and analysing the vessel's blue prints. I am sure Tommy Taylor, can some how keep the Liberty Navy satisfied by making some improvement's on the vessel. But if not, It doesn't matter, because I will be in Rheinland, away from any stress that befalls me.
aerelm has made great head way in regards to establishing contact with Pennybrooke and he has even offered to assist me with some of my other assignments. Of course, being within the Liberty Security Force has it's perks, monitoring everything mister aerelm does, has some what landed a potential contact for me later on.
I trust that aerelm's contact will have the job done for me in a timely manner. Once the task has been completed, I will be trusted by the Padua Liberty Rogues. I have also taken the liberty of downloading the Jump Drive blue prints that Lord Moka requested of me from the Liberty Security Forces main archive. It wasn't exactly hard, my promotion to Sergeant within the Liberty Security Force granted me access and influence to a number of different databases. This will also put me in a much better position with the Padua Liberty Rogues, allowing me to expand my wings further.