Short bio: We are twins and we were born on planet Holstein, but we spent most of our youth on Walchensee(trade ship), whose Kapitän was our father Friedrich Flick. Our mother Heidi Flick was the ship's doctor. We were educated by our parents und the rest of the crew. Sou I Thomas became quite good trader und Kapitän of trade ship und mein brother became quite good miner. Mein brother und I founded the company HerrFlick, which deals with trade and mining. The company has two ships ˝HerrFlick˝ is Uruz transport ship captained by myself, ¨HerrFlick_mco¨ is Hegemon a miner, captained by mein brother.
Why do you want to work for Daumann?: We are already engaged in subcontract work for DHC und so far we have a very positive experience with Daumann und wir hoffen, dass es so bleibt. Und natürlich sind wir auch zu klein, um konkurrenzfähig zu sein.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you?: Cos we are experienced captains that could be a real good asset for Daumann.