Tuta, yesterday was a rather lazy mid-week day. Hardly much going on. Everybody I talked to said: "I am sooo tired". Me included.
About metagaming: As silly as it sounds: the low numbers of players force people to metagame if they want to have interaction. Hard to really accuse someone of doing something that keeps interaction up.
However, there are instances when things are taken too far: e.g. I found it pretty annoying when I rescued a Kishiro| in O3 from a Junker, just to watch the same pirate player take him out in Frankfurt on his Hessian alt via player list reading.
Hunting the same ship down via multiple attempts and metagaming is not cool, and if I realize it, I will sanction it for what it is.
The general rule here is: don't be an ass.
Best piracy spots: O3-O7 gate, Frankfurt, S13, Kepler/Galileo, California. I like O3 best on my Sair.