(05-21-2014, 10:51 PM)Riess Wrote: RHA membership overlaps with RS too, which means you too are involved in Hessian Conspiracy™. However I can say that your members in RHA are good guys that are doing good job at avoiding shady activities for gain or loss of either of factions.
As soon as one of them at least once will violate rules , point 1.7, and i learn about it, all of them make very fast choice, they be members of RS| faction or members of RHA faction .
@ Pavel
About Cookies Central , i never had relations to this base , more then this , i still don't know who built this base and other details . Сan i take an interest who this " one of RS| members " ?
(05-21-2014, 11:24 PM)Pavel Wrote: I understand pretty well "allied" doesn't mean "work for", but I'm afraid you don't understand how things are done around here. Neither being in opposing factions is something wrong nor I said RS| should build base for DHC. What I demanded was: Daumann IFF, password to the base and right to veto stupid docking allowances, because frankly I wouldn't be surprised to see e.g. IMG docking at RS| controlled base in O11 and buying Daumann's diamonds.
You confirmed what i am spoke before ; " Daumann IFF " , " password " this means it is DHC's base . It means RS| must work for DHC.
About RS| base in o-7 , it is not my idea , i am just be invited on " o-7 base " Skype Channel as you and nothing else . One of RS| members made this idea , yes , but not me .
About Oldenburg , Munich is RS|'s ZoI . There is any difference in that, we will register base before construction or after ?