(05-21-2014, 07:44 PM)Moriarty. Wrote: Singularity, you know it. Defnding RS jumptrading maniacs is just a lost cause. And there was little glimmer of hope that RS would one day RP because of you or Bret. Nah...not anymore it seems. Because you both were the only ones that cared for the faction.
I care. I don't usually get involved in these types of discussions because drama is something I like to avoid. I just felt it necessary to defend myself on this one point. I try my best to log on for a couple hours a day and do a trade route or 2. I usually travel from Planet Nuremburg in Munich to whatever that shipyard is in Newcastle and vice versa. I have ran into several pirates on that route especially in Omega 3. LuckyBucks is one I run into constantly, very cool pirate by the way. I try to make it a point to hope out of the lane and RP with him a little every time I see that he is there. Same goes for others that stop me. Now that being said will I sometimes run if I think I can 100% sure get away before a pirate stops me? Yes of course. I think that is perfectly expectable. Anyways I am getting a little off topic as this thread is about RS and not me. I just felt it was a little unfair to say all of us don't care. When ever I am on RTS-Wolfenstein I try my best to represent RS in the best way possible.