¡Guten tag Frau Richter! I'm not sure if you remember me but in case you do and remember the certain details of our job relationship, sorry for the incident with that miner at The Ring, it was a silly joke and I never really had a chance to say sorry. I hope not many hearts were broken...
¡Anyway! it sems that my "business" down the Omicrons really didn't pay of well, you know, Zoners... It seems now I find myself in the need to return to active service as a transport captain, escort pilot, miner, whatever. Just get me out of the bounty hunters line of sight. Not that I have done anything illegal by the way.
Also I lost my Heavy Tanker and my Tigershark. The former in a bet, the latter in a party in Gran Canaria. I know what you are thinking, but there is a reasonable explanation involving gaian wildlife, marijuana and silicone "stuff". Not proud, but I regret nothing. The point I'm trying to get accross here, is that I have nothing but my pilot license, ten thousand credits, a Daumann Shredder and a Pepper-Bacon synthpaste 24 pack. I require a transport ship and a fighter (preferably a bomber)
I'll save the unnecesary details, as I'm sure you already have my resume in your database, and if you don't, shame on you Frau Richter, shame on you.
Quote:Name: Vermina Von-Wurststadt
Age:16 space admiral Just kidding I'm 31.
Short bio:
Born in Holstein. Graduated from the Daumann College of Industry and Commerce then joined the Wafflewagen Pilot Academy. My father wasn't really killed by Hessians, and I'm not really seeking revenge, I'm seeking to score big money in the biggest and 100% human Rheinland Corporation. I was hired by DHC at the age of 23 and worked as a transport captain for 7 years, switching between transportation, security and "special operations". I resigned and hit the Omicrons looking for a peaceful life among zoners, only to find out that these people despite not having megacorporations or millions of people to tax, somehow managed produce the biggest warships in Sirius... So much for a "neutral" group of "loosely" organized individuals, I ain't taking that nonsense anymore.
Why do you want to work for Daumann?
Money, diamonds and shooting Hessians because its fun and their argument is flawed (Selling diamonds is not capitalism if they are tinted red).
Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
Because I have the experience as a transport capitan, patrol pilot, explorer, escort and "special operations".