Borderworlds Exports application form K. V. Johansen
- Full Name: Kal Valentine Johansen
- Experience: Independent Mercenary + 2 Years of conscription
- Division: Shippers, but due to my experience in the fighter cockpit I would like to make a request for the Security Division as well, most specifically a request for a Paladin Heavy Escort Fighter
- Primary Interest in joining the Border World Exports: Economically support the House of Bretonia and Her Majesty The Queen.
Secondary Interest in joining the Border World Exports: Profit
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
Not my place in interfere in their matters or risk the ship and cargo, property of the Border World Exports, in any way.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
If I have the firepower I would destroy him in the name of Her Majesty and the Security of the Company. If not I will call the nearest Bretonian Armada patrol to deal with him.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
My dog is named Glaswegian Badger, or it would be if I had a dog.
- Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee?
Neither, I was left with the impression that a man can make a hell of a profit with the Bowex after ecountering a Convoy of the Bowex in O5 where I was paid to fight off the Corsairs, which caused the destruction of my ship, but I was paid nonetheless.
Short Biography: My Name is Kal Valentine Johansen and I am born on the Planet of Cambridge.On the age of 17 I moved to Glasgow where I worked until I was called as a conscript in the Her Majesty's Navy for 2 years piloting a Hussar interceptor. In 821 A.S. I left the Navy becoming a freelance mercenary until I made enought money for a small transport with which to smuggle bretonian refugees from Planet Leeds to safety.