Your application has been passed to me from the HR department.
Your application wasn't very clear, is it the ExSec department you are applying to or the Trade Shipping Combine?
Nothing to worry about, we can address your suitability at the meeting I would like to have with you on Scarborough Station in the Newcastle system. Miss Kiriko Hidamari, Director of ExSec Division will also be at the meeting.
I am so sorry to hear of you mothers illness; you may be interested to know that after 3 months of probationary service, you and your family will be eligible for full medical benefits. We have excellent medical facilities on all of our stations and a Convalescent Centre on Planet Cambridge to recuperate from illnesses.
You will of course also have to go through a simulated combat test and an orientation and familiarisation test flight on one of our ExSec ships. Depending on your experience etc. it would be one of the following:
Griffin, Eagle, Kingfisher, Roc or Havoc
If you could bring your birth-certificate and National Insurance details with you, this will help process you application further, if you are successful at the interview.