(07-11-2014, 06:55 PM)aerelm Wrote: This would give the ship a decent survival rate as well as defensive capabilities without making it an offense vessel, and allow it to be reclassified as a civilian gunboat (and so made available for use on any ID), while also keeping its role as a survey ship, and allowing it to be used as a "roleplay platform" for the researcher/explorer types out there.
Ok, cool idea, i like the stats and all, just have one question.
What will these explorer type players do in game? Specifically. They get this cool ship and they do what? What is there to explore that a typical gunboat or small transport or even freighter can't explore? I'm asking cause i explored 90% of the disco systems on an x-shuttle, even Gallia. When you show me this ship i'm thinking how it can be used in combat. I don't know how i would use it otherwise, it will be boring just flying through space exploring, especially if you have a cruiser shield protecting you. Maybe you are preparing some dangerous systems with radiation, black holes, mine fields, gas pockets that would make such a ship necessary but right now i don't know how to use it.
mmm... take it this way....
for example, give it the RP of medical research vessel for example... you can't use a freighter for that, due to size, you can use a transport for that but most cases a ship like that would end being used as...well... transport, you can RP about the medical equipment and all of this, but still meh, gunboat has the space dedicated to their weaponry... while a dedicated research vessel like aerelm proposed can be easily Rped that way, as surely should had such instalations inside and all of that.... and corvo looks cool^^