I established plans and spoke with you among other factions towards Xenos mining Planet Death Valley for its numerous mineral deposits. We obtained a blueprint for an ore refinery to be eventually used as a gift from the Corsairs and spoke with IMG about the sale of our raw materials to them before we finish it.
It was brought up to me that Alabama would be possibly de-guarded since it would become a high value system for Xenos, I'm okay with that.
Disco is rather famous for taking years to implement big faction moves if the dev team ever even allows them; I'd like to actually have the option to have all the thought I've put into this plan potentially come to fruition.
Xenos sleeping with Rogues in Cassini seems rather silly; they outnumber us and outgun us. That and any hopes of mining Death Valley would be shot. No thanks. The only way it seriously works is because Alabama is out of the way and shut off; nobody in Liberty knows about it. DSE records were removed when they abandoned it.