It was a rather strange day or rather it had been a very strange week that herald winter coming to these parts of New London the rain had almost completely stopped and it looked like it was threatening to snow the temperature had drastically fallen alas this did not catch the two figures that made their way down the street all wrapped up in winter wear.
Lafiel almost skipped through the street but thought better of it as she lost her footing on the pavement and slid Olivers hand had shot out from no were as Lafiel felt its strong presence around her waist suddenly steadying her again. They had traveled in silence for a long part of the journey though Oliver had advised her not to go out in this weather when she did there was not a word of complaint when he accompanied her but he had insisted that she be apropriately dressed as New London was especially known for its sudden change from rain to freak snow in winter it truely was an unusual phenomenon.
Lafiel had borrowed one of her fathers armed forces issued service greatcoats, it was very big on her and almost drapped to the ground, she had even had to roll up the sleeves but it kept the weather off her which appreciated she had a light blue scarf wrapped snuggly around her neck and matching woolen gloves it was the lighter colours strongly contrasted with the greatcoat itself. Oliver had been very practical in his approach he wore a black double breasted great coat with gold buttons matching pants and high black boots made for the snow should it ever come while they were out he had picked it so that he could keep himself manouverable and quick in this weather should any trouble arise. He was much against the idea of wearing a scarf and had turned up the collar on his greatcoat.
They continued on their way Lafiel had spotted a rather deep muddy puddle that seemed to stretch for a few metres and hesitated. Oliver had stepped right through it when he had noticed she had stopped he came back to the countess without any hesitation he gently picked up the countess with both hands lifting her off her feet and continued through the river of the puddle his voice was teasing, "Come along my dear best not to tarry in this weather. You should have worn pants you know a much more apropriate attire." Lafiel just rolled her eyes and poked her tongue at him and he smiled as he placed her down on the other side of the river. The concept of wearing pants seemed quite insane she only wore them when she went riding she much prefered her dresses.
Lafiel looked ahead of them and found she was looking at New Scotland yard it was only a few metres away she was actually just passing through on her way to WhiteHall but she spotted a sign to a new establishment and found herself suddenly walking into the courtyard where its various food establishments were for the BPA. She looked up at the sign 'Christy's Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries' she called to oliver as she almost jogged suddenly excited, "Its a new patisserie! Come on Oliver its cold lets go have some warm tea and something nice to eat." Oliver trailed leisurely as he called after her, "I agree time for a cup of tea. Steady on though don't run you will trip end up half soaked."
Her fast pace was ever graceful even when her feet slightly slid she didnt lose her balance she slowed down when she got close to the front door and walked leisurely in. As she entered she heard the chiming of a little bell as she walked to the coat rack on the wall and removed her fathers jacket revealing a light blue long sleeved jumper over a white long sleeve top with a dark blue skirt. Hanging the jacket on the rack she removed her gloves and placed them in an internal pocket. She then made a b line straight for a table in the middle of the room were she sat down looking around she realised the establishment was rather cozy albeit she didnt like the purple a it was one of her least favourite colours. She noticed Oliver had caught up with her and was at the counter paying for tea and other refreshments before he came to sat down with her carrying them to the table.
"Oliver here you are my lady a pot of earl grey tea, a chocolate eclair one of your favourite treats and a news paper should you desire to read it." Oliver placed both teacup out as he spoke pouring tea for them both and then some milk placing the eclair in front of her while moving a pasty in front of himself and the sat down. Lafiel thanked him as she took a bite of the eclair and exclaimed, "Oh my this is delicious Oliver you should get one for yourself."
Oliver commandeered the newspaper as they began a discussion on politics.