(08-31-2014, 10:04 AM)Snak3 Wrote: Well, on the other hand, complaints can be made inRP to not ruin your immersion.
Lag - "Screw this ION interference"
Gank - "Damn it. Sending whole fleet after me."
Needs to Log Off quickly - "Internal damage. Returning to base for good"
Needs to Log Off ASAP - *suicides*
I like this +1
Yeah realy, that's a realy nice way to mention those things inRP
(08-31-2014, 10:21 AM)Xenon Wrote: I understand your point of view and i like how you mention that we can use /fm and /pm to mention if
we loose connection etc.. i think that's a good idea.
but also put in consideration that in-order to evade all this disconnection problems then the entire
world must run fiber optics lol