Recently I was reviewing my posted threads, and came to conclusion I started few balance-related discussions which attracted much attention. I am interested in Discovery's balance and thought gathering links to all already existing threads and continuing discussion in one dedicated thread would be beneficial; easier to find, to talk about changes.
I will systematically complete list of links to previously posted disputes, and mark actually discussed posts in this thread. I have two modest requests to all discussants - although that thread is meant to be centered on Disco balance, it's natural due to problem complexity and overall size of the issue which gameplay conditions are, sometimes we will deviate from main balance topics, and talk about certain RP problems, server rules and their effect on gameplay, factions etc. Normally such threads would fit more into Discovery RP 24/7 General Discussions or Discovery RP 24/7 Rules, but as I pointed out above, it's not that simple. One thing connects to another, so please don't go "wrong subforum lol". Such comments wouldn't add anything to the discussion.
Another thing I ask from you, is to treat others as you would like to be treated. Don't insult others disagreeing with your point of view, but calmly point out why do you think your adversary is wrong, supporting your position with examples, all of that done in a constructive, respectful for others manner.
I'm not trying to hide Saronsen's balance thread was inspiration to make my own, I hope constructive debates which will take part here will provide valuable source of information and feedback for our developers.
(04-08-2014, 12:36 PM)aerelm Wrote: Wish more people bothered doing threads like this. Appreciate the effort.