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Loaded Archives : mission protocol : The ore from Humboldt, database Section #000-002
Subject : Grouping of the goods convoi at Freeport 4, Magellan system, heading into the Hubolt system, sector B5. Filling up the transports with Copper ore and returning the ships back to Liberty house, Colorado system, Planet Denver, where the ore will be sold.
Involved UTC-Members
UTC|-Atreides, Liberty Super Transport 'Mastodon'
UTC|-Aurora, civilatian advanced transport 'Stork'
UTC|-Jason Ward, Renzu Corp VHF 'Sutinga'
UTC|-Finley Onnington, Renzu Corp Heavy Fighter 'Saishi'
UTC|-Plim Plontu, DSE freighter 'Camara'
Mission Report
All UTC vessels, excluding escort Jason Ward (The convoi met him in later stages) have succesfully grouped at Freeport 4, Magellan. The convoi headed then to the California jumpgate, where from it headed for the Kansas jumphole. While the transports entered Kansas and setted course for the Humbolt jumphole, the escort vessel (Finley Onnington) waited at the Kansas jumphole, because Freeport 4 warned for 2 Lane Hacker vessels in this system.
The convoi reached in Humbolt at the silver field secure. There they met a DSE miner who filled them.
The escort in Magellan spotted after short time a Lane Hacker, with an 'Bullmastiff' Pirate transport. This Lane Hacker tried to kill the escort, but failed and returned after a short time. Then the escort catched up with the convoi in Humboldt.
After an half hour of mining an Lane Hacker with an Outcast destroyer came in sight by 100m distance to the transport UTC|-Aurora. This Lane Hacker destroyer was equipped with an Cloaking device and opened an channel to our vessels. It demanded 7 million credits from the 2 transports. After it recieved the cash, it cloaked again and left from us. When the transports were filled with copper ore, the convio left Humbolt and returned to save Liberty space. Behind the Magellan jumpgate in California the convio met the last escort (UTC|-Jason Ward) and headed fot he Colorado system, where they finally finished at planet Denver. There they sold the copper ore.
Amount of transported cargo
UTC|-Astreides : 4920 number of units copper ore
UTC|-Aurora : 4965 number units copper ore
UTC|-Plim Plontu: 595 number of units copper ore
UTC|Astreides : 9,935 SC per unit, a total of 48.880.200 SC
UTC|-Aurora : 9,935 SC per unit, a total of 49.327.275 SC
UTC|-Plim Plontu : 9,935 SC per unit, a total of 5.911.325 SC
Mission Report : The Ore from Humbolt successfully finished.