(09-04-2014, 01:40 PM)Moriarty. Wrote: Is it wrong nowadays for people to claim bounty on Junkers? I don't know how you can call everyone that kills you a lolwut. Can't think of this thread other than a "I regret being on the left side of the blues".
It's not about the dying. It's about the OORP way it's happening, with people who are not supposed to be allying, teaming up with each other to kill every junker transport they see with no roleplay interaction whatsoever. BHG, GRN, UC, etc, shouldn't be working together.
Not to mention that the entire blanket bounty was started OORPly, as they had no inRP reasoning and no inRP way of knowing anything. They say it is for us having one of "their" ships, when in reality it's a ship their faction doesn't even build in the first place. Not to mention that they made the bounty the moment the SRP was accepted, which is OORP; they had no inRP way of knowing. In reality, they have an OORP grudge against the faction and wanted any excuse they could find.
The whole mess is OORP.
Here's the reality. Have an OORP grudge against any particular faction? Set a blanket bounty, and if you can afford to pay high enough, you can ensure their entire faction is slaughtered by every faction they come across, be it lawful or unlawful. And to top it all off, you can even blanket bounty transports, apparently.
Let's say for example that someone has 10 billion credits saved up (there are plenty of people with far more than this, so it's not unreasonable). That person could assign a 10m bounty which can last for up to 1,000 kills, which is pretty much enough to unofficially ban the opposing faction from the server. (Not literally, but in the way that people OORPly search for them in the chat to hunt them down).
It's not just about the blanket bounty against junkers, either. I believe that blanket bounties in general should be much more regulated in which factions can claim them so that you don't see unlawfuls and lawfuls working together for credits like lolwuts.