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Threads: 175
Joined: Feb 2013
Staff roles: Systems Lead Server Administrator
I really hate the idea that "Junkers are targeted oorply". It's such a bad argument. Sure, some people might be targeting you ooRPly, but it's definitely not the majority. Most people are doing their inRP jobs, and you're complaining because you can't silent powertrade your way to billions of credits because you decide to not pay the 5 million credits or whatever some random Corse pilot wants in the Taus.
Your enemies are so few and far between it's not even funny. It's literally the Unione Corse, the Hogosha, the Xenos, Kusari Lawfuls, CR|, and...I dunno, can't think of any more, but I'm probably missing a few. Complaining that you're "hated on" by the rest of the galaxy is laughable, and even more so since you're complaining about it to XENOS. XENOS, the people who have FOUR FACTIONS that aren't -1.0 hostile to them.
To say that people are "jealous of junker popularity" is hilarious. It's literally the funniest thing I've seen all year. No, none of us are jealous. We're doing our inRP jobs. [UC] stop cardamine traffickers and Malta suppliers. GRN| stops any smuggling, period. Xenos kill Junkers.
"It's a fact that Junkers get targeted." It's also a fact that Lib Navy gets targeted. Rogues get targeted. Xenos get targeted to hell. Bretonians get targeted. EVERYONE gets targeted, because IN ROLEPLAY it says you should. I'm not going to be on my GRN| and say, "Oh, that BAF| might get his feelings hurt if I engage him, so I'll just fly off and eat some cheesecake on Leeds." No, I won't, I'll engage him, in a fair fight, win or lose, and that'll be it. Because that's how this game works. This game isn't powertrade simulator 24/7, it's a game simulating the politics and interactions between various factions. And get this - you're not some special little snowflake just because you mine scrap. There are people that hate you out there, in roleplay, and they're going to shoot you, or pirate you, or whatever.
And stop saying people are jealous. They're not, they're really not. It's admirable that you have such a high activity, that you bring so many new people into your faction, and you teach them how to play. That's really awesome. But if you come on the forums, complain that, because a total of like, three factions are trying to blow you up, because you can't listen to piracy demands and keep going through the same systems expecting things to change, you lose any credibility you might have had.
Now, let's get back to what this thread is -supposed- to be about: New faction. I like the idea, I see a lot of promise and a rebirth of Xeno activity. I look forward to playing along side you on XA- and every other faction, too!