Libertys law in Liberty, Bretonnian law, Kusari law ?
Right is right and wrong is wrong ?
If I see light shining on a Nebula, I never see it refracting only dark or light.
I shines in all colours of the spectrum.
Fynn sighed, and concentrated on his wine, mumbling.
I sure hope somebody will proove me that all is simply wrong or right, but I still suspect I just have too much conscience for that easy way out.
But you are right. As long as you can shoot, there always is an easy way out. Only if you are not ready to pull the trigger, or if you are in a situation in wich you can not afford to let the shooting continue you learn to look for other possibilities.
And if you have to much to loose.
I hope you will never have to learn that lesson, it´s not easy.
Holding up his wine glass again, he toasted Seraph and Zettsu
To the living, and in memory of all lost friends, eh ?