I swear, it's like people don't even bother do do more than scan for a couple of ship names in the propsal, the respond. Let me reiterate.
Drake will be used for Homono - recruits that have yet to be accepted
Wyrm will be the main craft, used by all Doshin.
The Yoriki will have access to military hardware - Catamaran, Chimera and Gunboat. They will be used as the police would use SWAT and/or riot gear. Military hardware will be obtained, and replaced, with the approval of KNF High Command. My Yoriki char will fly a Wyrm, and have a Gunboat at New Tokyo if it is ever needed.
Once we have the funds for it, the Machi-bugyoh will commission a pair of destroyers. They are not to be used outside rp events in the core systems, but in-rp, they exist since the Machi-bugyohsho have the right and duty to police the military.
'Anything big' is not the military's job. Any military threat is a job for the military. Besides, they are all busy with a little thing I like to call the 'war'.
John Johnson - Master of Synth.Foods-Convoy|049
Hans Adler - Synth Foods escort wing