(10-10-2014, 06:26 PM)Vredes Wrote: 2)
The Texas/Bering/Hamburg front is lost for Rheinland and no one can save the republic from their failing economy. So I suggest removing Texas, Being, Hudson from the RM ZoI and move the battle front to New Hampshine, maybe cut some systems so it will be easier to reach. People need something new, not the same old song that gets boring after hearing it 100 times.
No one can save...what? Do you know that for example Interspace Commerce made a deal with government and is returning to Rheinland, including starting giving the government financial support? That Ageira want´s to keep contracts there, even get more (and because of money from IC, government can pay them)? That there is huge amount of resources and heavy industry waiting for customers? That Rheinland shipyards are making ships for Kusari? You can say there are damages, economy is weak and war is lost, that´s okay and more or less true. But please, get rid of that cliché about dead Rheinland economy and the picture of completely broken house...
And what you suggest is exactly what devs did. Did you see the outcome? Less battles, less activity. Majority of people are simply not willing to go all the way through Hamburg-Bremen-New Hamshire-Minnessota to get pew (or to wait there while nobody come). That´s not problem for Liberty players as they got new playground with new enemy. Rheinland didn´t. And Corsairs activity is low and Hessians now too again. Remove those systems from RM Zoi and there won´t be anything left from Rheinland military player base very soon. Look at KNF if you want example how it could end.