The Damned,May 12 2006, 10:24 PM Wrote:O.k. SO ill bring it up again.
Attacking traders with a pirate char is totaly agreeable when giving a warning and a warning shot. Not responding is considered atempt to run and fire is assure to be opened.
So i asked Xerxas for 5 mils from each train ( he was using 2 trains ate the same time - for that later). He refused and i attacked. Later i destruyed one of his trains (got a full load of passengers). Eventually all traders hid in NY , and one of Xerxas chars was hiding docked in delta. He explained that he was playing with his other chars - actually he had 1 on (the other train) wich was hidden in NY. Then he logged on with yet another char in NY , so he could help some1 whit a transfer.
O.k. I got to the point:
1) All traders need a reminder that camping isnt how u deal with atack of a pirate (only in NY it is).
2) I think that there should be a prohibition for using more than 1 char on at the same time! It's like a cheating folks - he makes 2 times more $$$ than everyone , and he can always excuse with the fact tha he is playing onother char.
There should be only 1 char active at a time. If u need transfer ask some1 !
I dont think that using more computers is fare to other players. We could all just use more computers... but I don't think that this is right, do 'ya?
P.S. Server today had some lag and i got disconected couple of times.
Now this is why I Usually only role-play in Replay Events This is ridicules
Firstly (Camping Later)
Multiple Comps And Accounts
I dont mind either way what everyone on this board decides upon as far as multiple comps and accounts.
It is a reasonable commonly known fact that I use multiple computers and I take every opportunity I can to inform people of this I do this for a couple reasons, one so people cant accuse me of hiding stuff and two so that people know if they dont get a response of one account to try a different one as I do not have eyes in the back of my head.
Unfortunately the Dammed seemed to have never relised this and ended up sitting in delta out side a base talking to a account that never replied for I dont know how long until I turned around to check something and noticed all the msgs from him at which point I told him what was happening and went back to what I was doing.
It is a known fact that most people have at least 2 freelancer Id's and use Korrds's Account Manger, I just happen to have the computers to be able to not need Korrd's Account Manger (it is Korrds Right??)
Now as far as I am concerned if you Guys decide to ban using multiple accounts simultaneously thats fine by me I will just go else where because I find halph the fun of this game is keeping track of all those ships flying around ect,
"it can be really fun when u have 3 ships going all different places all coming under attack ect now thats what I call a challenge"
I also am a ship collector I am not the overly best fighter on here and to be honest I consider my self to be probably the worst out of the regulars and I am quite happy to admit that, but I do like having a bunch of ships that a can just cruise around in, none of them are really set up for fighting there just set up with stuff I think is cool
now as far as camping goes
I suppose u could say my account in delta was camping I wont deny I left it sitting there, there is no point dining the truth. I got it to yarren and left it..
and I am hoping someone will back me up here...
coz I didnt have sirrus studios on..... which I wish I had of now coz then I would have screenies but I dont
anyways I got it to delta and parked it... maybe I should have logged it off then none of this ever would have happened, coz then it would have just been a player leaving the server, (I will admit to making that mistake) but I didnt, instead I got talking to people on my other comp in NY that right talking.. talking to Jamez, Night-----cant remember which exact night account it was(and I dont mean nightfall this was someone else) and Nynx about all sorts of stuff from Night wanting to join RM (Sam u might want to looking that) Nynx wanted a marsflyer thruster off me, Jamez wanted to do a money transfer ect ect. now I personally will take full responsibility for not logging he account off in delta I should have and next time I will but unless you are physically in NY and can see a person camping there how can u say there camping. I was bloody run off my feet doing errands and talking as it was I think a few people must think I am a idiot as I was trying to hold up like 3 convos at once and talking on msn and kept sending the wrong info to the wrong people.
ok now that was my defense
this is my argument (yes that wasnt all)
A: a player isnt allowed to change there mind on what there doing
B: a player isnt allowed to play in new York anymore and a play can accuse a player of camping in NY from DELTA
all of these are in regards to Dammed's statements
A: if a player is trading is there any rule stating that he must keep trading ok it is polite to keep trading if you are involved in a role-play which I will admit I was. but as far as I can see a player is allowed to do what ever they wish and how should another player be allowed to dictate that.???
B: NY is filled full of stuff that a person can do, there are reks, missions, trade routs, and most importantly other players, if a person isnt allowed in new York for extended periods what is the point of having a protected system. Many people keep banks in there and use it fro transfers act. Now as far as I am concerned If a person was clearly hiding in NY just sitting there doing noting floating in space that would be one thing to accuse them of camping but if they are actually doing stuff u have no right, and even if u are sitting there I have known people to go off to lunch and come back a couple hours later and just left there ship floating.
Anyways to finish off all I am going to say is I made a mistake in not logging a account in delta off I am willing to stand by that but as far as hiding in NY noting like that ever took place.
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