Greetings, George Cavendish here.
We are already very well acquainted, considering I am the administrator of Sark Station. I know that we have had a lot of closed door informal meetings regarding various supply contracts for Sark, however the reason that I am contacting you over this channel is of a different nature, I wish to hire you to protect Sark.
After many supply contracts that have been completed efficiently, I have made a decision that you are the people I want protecting Sark should the wrong people come knocking on our door. Anyway I'll stop babbling on now.
In return for your ships protecting Sark Station when needed I am able to offer you a few things:
Complete and sole use of docking bay three abord Sark Station, as well as the crew quarters adjacent to docking bay three.
Access to the rest of the stations facilities, namely: The commodity dealer, should you ever have an empty transport in the area; The equipment dealer, should you need to complete repairs or purchase new equipment and offcourse access to the bar with a 15% discount on everything avalible there.
fifty million credits per month that your security wings protect Sark Station.
I hope that you will find this to your liking, if there is anything else that I can offer you then please let myself know, in the mean time keep up the good work with the recent supply contracts.