Quote:All traders need a reminder that camping isnt how u deal with atack of a pirate (only in NY it is).
Let me rephrase that so I am sure there aren't any missunderstandings:
All traders can deal with a pirate in another way than just dock and hide - for example they can run to a system or a base where they have a char , land and switch to the other char. With it they can try to pursue the pirate to leave 'em , be. Of cource they can hire help , they can change cource ...
AND by the WORDS IN BRACKETS - i say that only in NY camping is a WAY TO DEAL WITH A PIRATE beacuse of the PvP ban. I fully enforce that rule. So think again...
2nd its not up to me or u to decide wether there are allowed mre accounts to be on at the same tome or not - Its admins desicion. They decide if it is allowed or not. I just pointed out that from my moral vision. Its kind of cheating haveing 3+ computers working , and maintaining a convoy with FOrmed up traders. Of cource its harder to maintian that, but then again this is no excuse to a pirate . WHen u are asked u can pay , or run. U chose to run , and one of ur trains suffered for that - still its up to the admins about using more acounts issue. FOr me its easier to ask some1 to help me with a transfer. Anyway i DID not intended starting a fight. No offense.
P.S. BTW i warned and attacked another trader - he used F1 , but its seems he has an excuse with lagging and changing chars...
P.S.S. - All this is absolutely fine with me - i just thought that its unfair to most of the players on the server using only 1 computer/account at a time. And traders have always ran so its nothing i havent seen b4. Besides - next time traders - I won't be alone! :D
"Comm. Adama:
-Starbuck whadda 'ya hear?
-Nothing but the rain sir!
Comm. Adama:
-Then grab your gun and bring in the cat!
-Boom , boom , boom!"
My characters: - =BSG=Starbuck ; Maj. Kara Thrace(fighter pilot)
- =BSG=Galactica ; Commander Lee Adama(Battlestar)
- =BSG=Helo ; Lt. Karl Agathon (bomber)
- Colonial 795 (trader)