Dab,May 12 2006, 02:01 PM Wrote:Oh thats right, because they couldn't pirate. Every single trader (and even sometimes fighters and 1-2 gunboats) have ran and docked when I asked for money or cargo. Not a single complied or even responded. First thign they did was hit the cruise and fly off to a base. And there is no way to stop a train in cruise. Its completely immune to cruise disrupters. Face it guys. There is NO WAY for someone to pirate a trader. I have started shooting first and killing them for the lootable cargo. Thats the only way to make some money out of it. And comon people! NY wasn't made non-pvp to protect traders from pirates. It was made so people had a place to talk with others without getting attacked by someone. It WAS NOT made that way to be available for traders to hide from pirates until they logged off.
There are only a few ways to fix this problem.
1.) Somehow make trains susceptible to cruise disrupters.
2.) Not allow traders to camp in NY or on bases/planets (can't really be enforced though...).
3.) Make trains take a long time to go to cruise (this could work).
4.) Make trains incredibly weak, which also makes NPC pirates too strong against them.
Okay. Regarding NY...
It was never meant to be safe haven for anyone except n00bs. However I can see why people might not like it. I don't like system/base camping either, but how the hell are we gonna enforce any such rule? Now.. lemme address your possible solutions.
1) They already are.. gotta use hornets and a carefully placed shot. Ask Damned for details...
2) Not enforceable and never gonna happen, bud.
3) eh... I don't think this is gonna do sh*t.. players will just take a ship with smaller cargo and run with it.
4) Oh, hell no. That unbalances the trains. From someone who screams murder over unbalanced ships, this is a surprise from you, Dab.
I don't see any real solution here, folks. Nothing that can be implemented long-term anyway.
My personal preference would be set some specific rules on HOW you're gonna be able to pirate others.. say... limit of money you can ask for, that kind of thing.
$1 million is a load of money. for nearly 60% or more of the players on the server, not a problem as ii have yet to see very many of us dip below level 40. $500K is more in the range it should be. So why not do this?
I don't think we need another layer of bureaucracy regarding the server. we already have PvP rules that are strict as is. do we need to expand to include pirating too ? I don't think we honestly need to, so lets not start going that direction.
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