Only time I've ever tried piracy was with damned and a couple of others, we never even got to disrupt the train it landed and sat there for awhile before logging off, we only asked for about 1.5 mil total (it was gonna be split between us).
Now, unless it's an RP event or they fire first I usually ignore other players, especially traders. It's easier to attack the NPCs and (before the player looting was activated) you couldn't loot players after you killed them.
Plus the excuses "I'm broke" or "I don't have that much" just doesn't wash when your level 50 and in a large train.
I know for a fact that if your completely broke, have no weapons and no cargo you'd be at about level 46 at most. If your at level 50+ then you've got at least 6 or 7 million credits on that character.
Would handing over 500 k to someone trying to stay in character as a pirate really hurt that much?
Just be thankful they aren't a terrorist character because:
no warnings,
no demands,
Just shooting at you until you blow up. Thats what the NPC terrorists do.
So from now on if a trader comes near [phantom]Bloodfrenzy expect to be fired on with no warnings or demands. I don't care if your neutral, freelance or part of a faction.
The phantoms are terrorists and hate everyone so every trader is a target, so this is gonna be your only warning,