Lets clarify this once and for all: shooting Hogs, Xenos, UC and getting shot by them its OK, really its fine and dandy.
What I objected is the spirit of the group and, most of all, the leader, that is somebody with a terrible reputation, therefore we assume that nothing good will come out of this, or permanent. Its just a fad that will last a couple weeks and will either end in nothing or in some rowdy actions that will force admins to act. And this poor excuse of a write up is actually going to be accepted as valid: "whatever...we just choose an ID to kill junkers and have some laughs, no rplay is needed". I remember when people actually made an effort and took pride in writing something that made sense.
What is pointed as disgusting is the feeling that if somebody else is successful we must throw a brick through his window and make our very best to give them a bad time instead of trying to understand why they are successful. Like junkers aren't harassed enough already, even at levels they shouldn't be, in the name of the almighty balance and fair play, which seems to be used only to please others. Apparently there is the strange perception here that the most played faction in the server is the one that should be taken down and dragged on the mud.
Unfortunately this is only a small fish tank, compared to universes like EvE, and there is an unhealthy concentration of power in the hands of a clique which only activity is to seat in Teamspeak and decide who they are going to annoy next, and if their "fun" is spoiled by the actions of their potential victims, resort to all sorts of metagaming and manipulation to obtain their goals. That is what is objected here, this group is only one more Spazzy thing, but serves their purposes so well that it might as well have been ordered.