Even when you fight several missile spammers, why would you do it alone, or why would you not be a distraction to let your friends deal with them? And why would you not use gunboat against lots of fighters? And why would you not use BS to cover you, or something else, or else or else... There are billions of options, but all you see and discuss - OP? Nerf!
Same with Kusari destroyer. "Small for BS to kill it!" Then don't fight it with BS. Any and every cruiser can kill Ku dessie. And even if it needed the nerf. The biggest strenght of this ship was it's shield, not it size. So instead of just nerfing the shield you decided to ruin the model. Good job.
This might be a bit wrong place for this kind of thought, but your understanding of ballance is just silly. With this kind of ballance you leave the only thing to make a differense between factions - story. Who cares about that right now?
Back to missiles. They have huge chanse to miss and not that big range of action. And the only one that is actually hitting is the one that deal... I think 3k damage? Tie to that movement and game bugs/lags, this number will decrease to 50%. 70 missiles maximum, 3v3 fight even. 210 missiles in total, 145 CMs you have, even if only half of them works, that's 70 missiles out. Consider that you can shieldrun from missile spammers, and even taking some into your hull/shield, and in my experience, at least 30% of my shots have not been hitting the target, even when they have not used CMs. I don't see how that's OP.