' Wrote:So wait.. you're already sporting a KSP character in your siggy, yet you're smacking me for telling Wrathkin to stand his ground and submit a very good and well-researched Faction request? Did I miss something?
As to sticking to the "SP" counterpart.. yawn.. if you hadn't noticed, this ain't SP, and for that reason I don't require the TAZ to fly around in bloody Falcons and Dromedaries. Would you like me to?
You can "incorporate" until you're blue in the face; or you can take a stand at some point and say "if I do this, then it's no longer the Faction I want to sponsor, build, and lead."
I like it, I endorse it, and it stands on its own merit. Does that help, Absolutex?
Btw, I don't believe in "Absolutes" either..
I wasn't "smacking" your support for Wraithkin's ideas. In the end, it doesn't matter to me what gets approved or not; I'll do whatever the faction rules dictate. I was responding to your criticism of the rest of us who don't support everyone flying around in ships meant for the Houses' armed forces or upper tiers of a faction.
At this point, I don't care what gets allowed or rejected. I just want this faction to be approved ASAP. Wraithkin, you have my support for whatever you want to add to the proposal.
I don't know what a Malaclypse is so you've got me there.
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it."