I have one big complaint, since you are so hasty to hear it, here it goes :
- Farmers Alliance (_not_ allowed to smuggle or tax/pirate gaijin in front of an officer)
- Hogosha
As you probably now, Hogosha is a quasi-legal organization. Necessary evil.
Farmers alliance isn't even quasi-legal. They can't be friendly in your 'public diplomacy'.
They can be under the table - but you would never admit it.
Hogosha, on the other side, can be friendly - since they are Samura's left hand.
They are not illegal, FA is.
Under the table, it's completely different. But for example if you meet a Farmer alliance member, you should at least 'act' to chase him out or something.
So people believe that you actually are enemies.
Liberty would be very angry if they knew that Farmers are actually supported by Samura and Kusari government.
Synth food as well.
In my opinion, Hogosha must be above FA in diplomatic relations with lawful Kusari factions.
Also, it's silly to have Gaians as friendly, while Hogosha are neutral. It's absurd, really.
Why? For one, Hogosha and Gaians are allied.
For two, Hogosha is in Kusari.. Gaians are in Brettonia.
It makes much more sense for Hogosha to be friendly while Gaians would be neutral.
In the same way, Corsairs can't be unfriendly if Gaians are friendly.
Corsairs actually have a reason to be in some parts of Kusari.
Gaians don't have a single one, except Tau-31 - which is basically Kusari system only in Disco.
So, it's logical to put Gaians as neutral. Corsairs can stay where they are.
The best thing to do about diplomacy on a Police faction is actually to keep the same diplomacy as your navy friends.
That shows good cooperation, and is much easier. No need for complications.
That's about it.
Also, I'm glad you ditched the destroyer idea. It shows that you are ready for compromises.
The rest of it is just fine.
I can't give 'two thumbs up' with this diplomacy though, so I hope you will consider my suggestions.
Good luck.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.